AppendCharToLine appends character to each line in source file. ASCIIToUnicode converts text file from ASCII to Unicode. Base64ToHex converts hashes from Base64 to hexadecimal format. CombinePasswords combines passwords from two dictionaries. ConvertToForumFormat converts lines from "Hash:Password" to "Hash:[color=blue]Password[/color]" format. CountPasswords counts number of passwords in dictionary. EnumerateLines enumerates all lines. FindEntries searches dictionary for certain passwords. GeneratePassword generates password with specific parameters. GetTopPasswords returns statistics, how many times a password is mentioned in dictionary and sorts dictionary. HexToBase64 converts hashes from hexadecimal format to Base64. HexToPlain converts passwords from hexadecimal to the regular format. InsertCharToLine inserts character into specific position of each line in source file. IsEmail keeps in the file only the lines that are mailboxes. IsHash keeps in the file only the lines that are binary hashes. MakeLower converts lines to lowercase. MakeUpper converts lines to uppercase. MergeToOutputFile merges files of hashes and passwords to a single *.out file. PermuteColumns swaps columns separated by colons in text files. PlainToHex converts passwords to hexadecimal format. RemoveChar removes specific character from dictionary. RemoveCharFromLine removes character in specific position of each line in source file. RemoveCrackedHashes removes hashes available in the *.out file from the source list. RemoveDuplicates removes passwords available in the first dictionary from the second dictionary. RemoveEmptyLines removes empty lines from dictionary. RemoveNonLatinPasswords removes from dictionary passwords that contain characters with ASCII codes above 127. RemovePasswordsWithSpace removes from dictionary passwords with spaces. RemoveSpecialChars removes system characters with ASCII codes below 32 from dictionary. ReplaceCharInLine replaces character in specific position of each line in source file with other character. SelectPasswordsByLength keeps in dictionary passwords of certain length. SortDictionary sorts dictionary in ascending or descending order. SplitByCase splits lines in the file by character case. SplitByLength splits file with hashes of various types into several files by hash length. SplitByNumOfFiles splits dictionary to specific number of files. SplitByNumOfLines splits dictionary to files of specific number of passwords. SplitOutputFile splits the *.out file into two lists, hashes and passwords. TrimPasswords chops leading and trailing spaces and tab characters from all passwords. TruncatePasswords truncates passwords to certain length. UnicodeToASCII converts text file from Unicode to ASCII.