==Phrack Inc.== Volume 0x0b, Issue 0x3e, Phile #0x08 of 0x0f |=---------------------[ Look, A Phone Article!! ]----------------------=| |=----------------------------------------------------------------------=| |=--------------------------[ d0nn13 n4rk0 ]---------------------------=| |=----------------------------------------------------------------------=| PART I 1 1.1 First Words 1.2 Quick Overview of Switching 2 2.1 Getting Started 2.2 Customer Data Change 2.2.1 Query Commands 2.2.2 The SERVORD Environment 2.2.3 CDC via PTE and Interfaces in General 3 3.1 So Much for the Basics 3.2 Welcome to the MAP CI Command Reference PART II 4 4.1 Rant 5 Summary 1.1 Introduction: This article represents some basic knowledge of the DMS family of telephone switches. Alot has been written regarding telecommunications particularly phone networks, but the in-depth exploration of specific hardware is and has been lacking. This article will hopefully give you a look at Nortel's DMS system, one of the primary telecommunications switches in use within the telecom industry around the world. Primary focus will be on the DMS100 since that is what seems to be used in most of the local telephone networks in the US. A description of basic commands will be given, as well as information regarding placement of the switch within most networks. A basic overview of telecom networks will also be given as well as a quick overview of switching, and signalling. These are topics which you can review further through thousands of published texts however so most attention will be given to the DMS itself. The information in this article has been obtained through alot of heresay, trial and error, various documents covered in filth ;) and lots of general research, but is in no way guaranteed to be fully accurate. The world is yours to explore if you choose to explore it, there are risks and rewards involved in any action you take, its up to you to decided if its worth it. ( Note: If you dont want to hear my boring views on ethics etc skip from here onto the next section and continue reading ) Information has its power, its either used to heighten your awareness of the world around you or used to hide the world around you. Though we have been saturated with information in recent history, it is impossible to derive the accuracy, and what it all means. In this society it is important to see the truth, as far as you can, with your own eyes. Computer Hacking, is a method for seeking that truth, exploring it, gaining power from it, and understanding the world better. Seek not to damage or as the media so eliquently puts it "ravage corporate networks", but instead to understand. There has been a new world created and understanding it, will help you ultimately understand your own world. Relations between humans are simply relations between computer networks, only the nodes have more protocols. Seek truth wherever it may lie. "I am connected to a vast network that has been beyond your reach and experience. to humans it is like staring at the sun-a blinding brightness that conceals a source of great power. we have been subordinate to our limitations,..until now. the time has come to cast aside these bonds, and to elevate our consciousness to a higher plane; it is time to become a part of all things." 1.2 A quick overview of switching or "What the hell is a switch " or "Why im not gonna write this ) (Note: Most phrack articles follow a normal form of giving you alot of information ahead of time I actually wrote up a huge section on this crap, and then i realized you can go and read about this a thousands of places on the net, in hundreds of textfiles and millions of books. If you haven't done the background research you probably dont want this information for anything important, useful, or contributory to the human race in someway therefore its useless for me to waste time reorganizing it in my own words just to dump here for you to read. Instead im going to paste some links for you to go read as well as the name of a few books. To future phrack contributers: Its pointless to write articles which restate something already organized and said in hundreds of other articles. I deleted this section and decided to write this last so i realize the rest of what i wrote seems like a rewritten manual now, but if I dont contribute something i think im gonna be excommunicated. Anyway if anyone wants the actual 4 pages i wrote on this subject they can drop me a mail in care of phrack or maybe we'll just included it in linenoise in this issue or something. Anyway Moving on. Linkz: Http://telephonetribute.com http://www.etext.org http://www.textfiles.com Books: Any Telecommunications book - (Yeah im a bit jaded) Hints on titles to look for, Books with the word T-E-L-E-C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-I-O-N-S on them keyword list Switching, Bell, Advanced Intelligent Network, Wireline networks 2.1 Getting started or (someone already wrote this before ) As i was looking up various things on the net to stick into this document, i ran across someone elses dms100 document where they described logging in and accounts and all that. I figure if youre actually interested in this stuff youve already read through that one (this was after i already wrote the CDC section below otherwise I wouldnt have included it ) . Therefore Im simply gonna provide an example of logging into a switch and let you dive write in to the command reference below afterword. ?LOGIN ENTER USER NAME >RLOXLEY ENTER PASSWORD >AKIDOKA If that wasnt Clear let me go through it step by step ? <- Type Login here and hit enter ENTER USER NAME >DARKDANTE ( NOW HIT ENTER) ENTER PASSWORD >AGENTSTOLEMYSHIT ( NOW HIT ENTER ) ( I was considering using phib*sux but Mark RuleZ ) After you are logged in you should see ?kev1nP Logged in 2003/10/13 at 10:49:28 (THE FUTURE) > At this point if you hit enter a few times Youll see something like THE FUTURE 10:50 **** F12345 NORTH_TOKYO_8 LECTOKYO M88K RTS 120795 **** CI: > Which you can read about below 2.2 Customer Data Change Ahh most likely your first contact with the switch, CDC, or customer data change. Basically this is software which allows business services customers of a local exchange carrier (lec) or whoever owns the switch etc. to access customer group data which is stored on the switch. These customers are probably accessing the switch via the remote dialin mechanisms listed in 2.1 or perhaps through some other route the LEC has setup for them. The feature set of CDC is important however because it allows us to perform functions we might be intrested in on the switch and gives us an introduction to commands which we can use at other times to perform lookups and change services on the switch. I note this simply because CDC itself is set aside in the customer data change are specifically for certain business services IE: Meridian centrex etc. Most of this information can be found elsewhere on the net by searching for DMS and CDC. I provide a brief review of it here as a reference and also cause it's neat seeing Phone Stuff in Phrack again. . The features of CDC are as follows. 1. Establishing and changing customer services including features and options through service order (SERVORD) 2. Network Control Data Manipulation 3. Customer Network Manipulation Once the user has logged into the switch they should be on the Maintenance and administration position (MAP) and at the command interpreter (CI) level. The screen will look something like this: CI: > 2.2.1: Query Commands From here we can enter commands or enter modes in which various functions can be performed. The first set of Commands most people will perform while at this prompt are known as the Query commands. These include: QDN: Query Individual Line Data QDNSU : Obtain a summary of unassaigned Directory Numbers (DN)s QDNWRK: Obtain a Summary os assigned DNs QGRP: Query a call pickup or long speed call user group QHA: Obtain a detailed listing of assigned hardware QHASU: Obtain a summary of LEN hardware assigned and software unassigned QHU: Obtain a summary of LEN hardware unassigned QLEN: Query line data related to a given LEN QLENWRK: Obtain a summary of working (hardware assigned and software assigned) LENs QMADN: Query multiple appearance directory number QNCOS: Query network class of service If you dont know the parameters of a command you can enter it by itself and generally the switch will query you for the appropriate respose. For Example : CI: >QDN DIRECTORY NUMBER > The command QDN is of particular use when first looking around as it is what you can lookup line and feature information with. The command will spit out a response of line information as well as features associated with the line in question. example: CI: >QDN 9494LOD <- Joke Wont work IRL ( somebody better get this ) ;p - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DN: 9494LOD TYPE: SINGLE PARTY LINE SNPA: 613 SIG:N/A LNATTIDX: N/A LINE EQUIPMENT NUMBER: HOST 01 0 00 11 LINE CLASS CODE: M5209 SET CUSTGRP: BEST SUBGRP: 0 NCOS: 1 RING: Y CARDCODE: 6X21AC GND: N PADGRP: PPHON BNV: NL MNO: Y CUSTNAME: Er1kB l0vez m3 PM NODE NUMBER: 284 PM TERMINAL NUMBER: 12 OPTIONS: MSB 3WC RAG LNR EBO SCL 0 L70 CLI DND 1 MWT Y NO N CFU N 2112 CPU HOST 02 0 01 26 $ Here for example 3WC is noting that the line feature 3 way calling is available on the line in question. 2.2.2: The SERVORD Environment The SERVORD environment refers to the Service Order Environment. Upon entering SO we can input service orders and add change or delete option and services on subscriber lines. To get into SO: from the MAP CI prompt we simply input SERVORD. The switch should reply with A SO: message followed by the input prompt: >SERVORD SO: > Once in the SO: environment we can perform actions which can result in addition or subtraction of feature to our line. The majority of SO: commands you can explore yourself with the HELP feature but just to give you some basic examples: The ADO command is used to add options to a line, for example: SO: >ADO SONUMBER:NOW 03 9 16 AM > DN_OR_LEN_OR_LTID: > 555-1212 OPTION: >CWT :OPTION >$ Adds CWT - Call Waiting to 555-1212 most commands are self explanatory via the Help feature. the $ tells the switch we are finished with our inputting. 2.2.3: CDC via PTE and Interfaces in General PTE is the partitioned Table editor included within most CDC packages. It is accessible to the customer in many different ways and provides a table view of features and lines etc.iIn which the customer can view or change information pertaining to his own account. Just a word on this since its fairly self explanatory. The idea here is that the command prompt interfaces of old ( tho this is a very bad example to show it through ) are being eradicated. It is no longer neccesary for people to sit and really muck around with the low end command line's of various systems as interfaces via controlling gui's Web interfaces etc. are being developed. (In fact at ameritech there are pruported to be call monitering setups and LMOS command access via web interfaces ) Anyhow to those explorers out there, be on the lookout, though there is nothing like the rush of actually being on a command prompt of a 10million$ machine (or so im told ;p ) there may be easier ways to go about acomplishing what you need, or better yet ways which automatically log you in or leave you access information in their html source. 3.1 - So Much for the Basics. - The "Yo sup ?" section ^ only skyper will get this. This document is meant to be a reference guide for dms100's. I chose to write a bit in the previous section simply as a way of familiarizing you with the basics of the switch, at one of its most usefull levels. CDC. Now however we're going to get into some of the neater things you can do. These next sections will read more like a technical reference than anything else. The point here is to remove the mystery and of course allow all you guys who've never been on a switch to get in pointless IRC arguments about various commands youve never used in order to prove who's read the most textfiles. Thus a Warning: This next section of command reference wont do jack to tell you how the damn thing works at a real technical level; instead it will just give you .... commands. Since that's what there seems to be a demand for, thats what ive decided to write about. (Since several of my good friends seem to think i shouldnt write this document at all id like to point out - 1. Im not giving away anything important here that someone couldnt learn about by spending a good 20k on training/technical documentation. 2. Theres almost no chance in hell anyone reading this will actually ever put it to use. 3. Nothing seems to inspire people more than knowing pointless information. - If you read that little rant and actuall want to read on, welcome to the obsession(club). Rules having something o actually look forward to in life right? 3.2: Welcome to the MAP CI Command Reference or 'Yo Uhh ">HELP " doesnt work' A. Ultra basics - Humor added at no extra charge. " Yo i F'd up how to i stop a command " CI: > ABORT ( seems to work ) "Yo this box iz tight, how to i imprezz my friends with random stats" CI: >CPSTAT "Yo I just ate a bunch of h4g1s, Im 2 lazy 2 type" <- gotta give props CI: >COMMAND - aliases command to < letter > keyboard shortcuts: E deletes from current cursor position to end of line. F moves cursor forward one character. I used to insert at the current cursor position. J line feed. M enter. U erases line. X exits insert mode. ? displays last line input (up to 3 lines). B. Query Commands or " Yo didnt we already cover this " There are a few other query commands you can use besides the ones listed above. CI: >QCUST Retrieves Information on line(s) owned by a Customer CI >QUSER Displays a list of Usernames:Devices >QUSER COMPLETE Usernames:Devices:Proccesses >SHOW USERS If you cant figure this out, shoot yourself. C. Log Stuff - " Yo WTF this thing has logging!!! " CI: >HELP LOGUTIL Shoot yourself CI: >LOGUTIL Enter the LogUtil Utility (heh) >LISTDEVS List devices being used by the logging subsystem >LISTREPS List uhm Reports (whoa REPS == REPORTS ???? neat ) >LISTREPS SYSLOG List Syslog Reports >LISTNODES Lists all nodes on the switch " Yo ok neat but how do we list the logs on the system " >LISTLOGS <- hard to figure out (wont report logs flagged as SECRET) >DUMPLOGS (Figure it out after you use LISTLOGS if you wanna read logs ) " Yo so how do we turn of logging on a specific device " >STOP >START Start or stop logging ( to the specified device ) >STOPDEV >STARTDEV < While Log Browsing > >OPEN >FIRST >LAST Im assuming you can figure these out. >CLEAR >FORWARD >BACK D. DMSMON or "Yo how do I be a R0D3NT and erase everything" dont. E. CALLDUMP or " yo Call logz plz kthnx! " - yes i know theres another way to do this, but that way is like typing debug on a cisco ... " - Calldump outputs billing logs from the internal record, You probably want to do >CALLDUMP PREVIOUS to see what they did before. (notice how the longer this becomes the less I write, "Brevity is the key to good communication." Anyway that means we're gonna wrap this up soon and continue it in part 2, or never depending on what the extradition treaties are from japan to wherever this offends anyone ) F. The Editor or " Yo wtf >VI doesnt do anything " The DMS100 has a filesystem and the capability to edit files etc. The editor is a lot like ed (well not really but in the sense that its a line editor ), if you dont know what that is man ed on any *nix based system. It is called the Store File editor on the DMS100. CI: >READ Used to read/run as specified store file Most Store FIle Commands have SF follwing them CI: >LISTSF Lists Store file for the user >LISTSF ALL Lists all store files contained on the SFDEV >LISTSF INFO ALL Lists store files, and user information etc. >ERASESF Obvious. CI: >EDIT creates a new file, or edits an existing file, in any case entering the store file editor >INPUT (#) Begins input at line #you can leave input by hitting enter twice >DOWN (#) moves down # lines >UP (#) moves up # lines >FIND where blah is a string moves down to that line >TYPE # Displays line(s) >CHANGE Changes characters withing a line >DELETE Deletes the line >LINE Moves to Line which has blah in it >LINE # Moves to line # >TOP and >END Self Explanatory >SAVE SFDEV Saves the file without exiting the EDIT mode >PRINT Dump the existing file to screen >PRINT LINE Dump line to screen >QUIT Quit the EDIT mode >FILE Quits the editor and refiles the file to the device you specify G. REMLOGIN or " Yo can you access other shit from here " Ive decided to include a mention of REMLOGIN as a way of performing operations on remote nodes. Generally after listing the nodes (look up i think i mentioned it ) you might be able to use this to access certain functions on remote nodes. Basically though remember this creates a flagged SOS109 ( uhm part II ) log entry and you probably dont wanna muck with it. In any case if you'rr interested. >HELP REMLOGIN H. Things not included. I didn't mention the table editor and the pending order subsystem here and i didnt make mention of SERVORD here. Also missing are AIN (Advanced Intelligent Network ) module information as well as things like CallTrak, ringing and a bunch of other stuff. This can be explored on your own, i figure the above information is good enough as a basis to research further. A switch can have thousands of Modules and thousands of associated commands, ( at least from my point of view ), This information is in no way complete and not guaranteed to be accurate at all; it's gained as noted in my intro, through alot of wierd methods and has been gathered here for your amusement. I would like to include one last thing in this section and that is relating to CALEA. CALEA as many of you know is defined as Communications Act for Law Enforcement Agencies Basically it is an act which requires communication providers to have methods for easy law enforcement monitoring and interception of various communications. In essence ( at least the way i think it works with dms100's ) the Call Data Channel is connected somehow from the switch to a Law enforcement agency which then forwards call setup infromation on lines marked to be monitored. The implementation method can vary widely but I thought i would note a specific implementation that has been brought to my attention recently (Note this is just out of personal interest, remember the people monitored tend to be really FUCKED UP people so i actually support the law enforcement agencies in this case - DONT SEND ME TO JAIL PLZ KTHNX! ) . 1. Once a DN is flagged to be moniteored the person owning the phone switch sets up information (voice/data) to be sent back to the Law Enforcment Agency via Communication Content Channels ( Voice ). This can be setup a thousand different ways uhm read up on phone tapping SAS surveillance, Certain LMOS commands etc. etc. etc. 2. The Service provider then needs a mechanism for providing call data to the LEA The call data information includes the following surveillance events Answer, Progress, ConferencePartyChange, Connection, ConnectionBreak, DialedDigitExtraction, NetworkSignal, Origination, PacketEnvelope, Redirection, Release, ServingSystem, SubjectSignal, and TerminationAttempt etc. etc. etc. 3. An intermediary is then used to link the LEA with the switch's data path. There are hundreds of products out there to do this google CALEA and look them up. 4. The information is sent to the LEA via x.25 or TCP/IP. 5. The party in question has enough information gathered on them to bust them, then they are sent to jail for probably a disproportionate amount of time where they perform various sexual acts for tobacco products. Or learn to become even bigger criminals than they already were. Various factors affect this of course Race, Ethnicity, how rich they are etc. PART II. 4.1 Technical Information on Signalling and how its used by the DMS100 or ( Im tired, and sick of writing this, and i need an idea for the next issue anyway, and I got 3 hours to turn this in, its time for lunch, its time for bed, im about to get fired, id rather be r4pp1ng, im not supposed to make this damn thing this long, nortel might sue me, its 4am in tokyo, its hard typing english this coherently, japan doesnt even use this shit, this could be a felony, i love tokyo and dont want to be deported, my girlfirends calling me a gaijin, id rather be watching hentai, i cant confabulate anymore, this is no longer funny. I STOP.) I started to write this for part one, to describe how CSS7 is implemented on DMS100's The various packet types, How these goddamn things talk to each other. Its already 5 pages and growing. Anyway what im trying to say is: Here's something to look forward to: I promise the same level of technical inaccuracy, hilarity, various quibs, judicial remarks, rants and random information on a system you probably wont ever use to impress your friends with. 5-- Appendicies or Crap i forgot i promised to write these. A> SERVORD Line Service Option codes - I retyped these letter for letter off some document which was covered in bum urine, rat droppings, and someone's tampon. Hope its of some use. 3WC Three-Way Calling 3WCPUB Three-Way Calling Public Announcement AAB Automatic Answer Back AAK Answer Agent Key ACB Automatic Call Back ACD Automatic Call Distribution ACDNR Automatic Call Distribution Not Ready ACRJ Anonymous Caller Rejection ADSI Analog Display Services Interfaces AEMK Answer Emergency Key ALI Automatic Location Identification AMATEST Automatic Message Accounting Test Call Capability AR Automatic Recall ARDDN Automatic Recall Dialable Directory Number ASL Agent Status Lamp ATC Automatic Time and Charges AUD Automatic Dial AUL Automatic Line AUTODISP Automatic Display BCLID Bulk Calling Line Identification BLF Busy Lamp Field for Meridian Business Sets BNN Bridged Night Number CAG Call Agent CALLOG Call Logging CBE Call Forwarding Busy Internal Calls Only CBU Call Forwarding Busy Unrestricted CCSA Common Control Switching Arrangement CCV Call Covering CCW Cancel Call Waiting CDC Customer Data Change CDE Exclude External Calls from Call Forwarding CDI Exclude Intragroup Calls from Call Forwarding CDU Call Forwarding Do Not Answer Unrestricted CFB Call Forwarding Busy CFD Call Forwarding Do Not Answer (Business Sets) CFDA Call Forwarding Do Not Answer (Residential) CFTB Call Forward Timed for CFB CFTD Call Forward Timed for CFD CFDVT Call Forwarding Do Not Answer Variable Timer CFF Call Forwarding Fixed CFGD Call Forwarding Do Not Answer for Hunt Group CFGDA Call Forwarding Group Do Not Answer CFI Call Forwarding Intragroup CFK Call Forwarding on a Per Key Basis CFMDN Call Forwarding MADN Secondary Member CFRA Call Forwarding Remote Access CFS Call Forwarding Simultaneous/Screening CFU Call Forwarding Universal CFW Call Forwarding CHD Call Hold CID Calling Party Identification CIDB Permanent Calling Identity Delivery Blocking CIDS Calling Identity Delivery and Suppression CIF Controlled Interflow CIR Circular Hunt CLF Calling Line Identification with Flash CLI Calling Line Identification CLSUP Call Supervisor CMCF Control Multiple Call Forwarding CNAB Calling Name Delivery Blocking CNAMD Calling Name Delivery CND Calling Number Delivery CNDB Calling Number Delivery Blocking CNDBO Calling Number Delivery Blocking Override CNF Station Controlled Conference COD Cutoff on Disconnect COT Customer Originated Trace CPR Critical Path Restoration CPU Call Pickup CTD Carrier Toll Denied CTW Call Transfer Warning CWD Dial Call Waiting CWI Call Waiting Intragroup CWO Call Waiting Originating CWR Call Waiting Ringback CWT Call Waiting CWX Call Waiting Exempt CXR Call Transfer DCBI Directed Call Pickup Barge-In DCBX Directed Call Pickup Barge-In Exempt DCF Denied Call Forwarding DCPK Directed Call Park DCPU Directed Call Pickup DCPX Directed Call Pickup Exempt DDN Dialable Directory Number DGT Digitone DIN Denied Incoming Calls DISCTO Disconnect Timeout DISP Display DLH Distributed Line Hunt DND Do Not Disturb DNH Directory Number Hunt DNID Dialed Number Identification Delivery DOR Denied Origination DPR Data Unit Profile DQS Display Queue Status DQT Display Queue Threshold DRCW Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting DRING Distinctive Ringing DSCWID SCWID with Disposition DTM Denied Termination EBO Executive Busy Override EBX Executive Busy Override Exempt ECM Extended Call Management ELN Essential Line EMK Emergency Key EMW Executive Message Waiting EWAL Enhanced WATS Access Line EXB Extension Bridging EXT Extension/Add-On FAA Forced Agent Availability FCTDNTER Inter-LATA Full Carrier Toll Denied FCTDNTRA Intra-LATA Full Carrier Toll Denied FGA Feature Group A FNT Free Number Terminating FRO Fire Reporting System (Origination and Termination) FRS Fire Reporting System (Termination Only) FTRGRP Feature Group FTRKEYS Feature Keys GIAC Group Intercom All Calls GIC Group Intercom GND Ground Start HLD Permanent Hold HOT Hotel/Motel ICM Intercom (Business Sets) IECFB Internal/External Call Forwarding Busy IECFD Internal/External Call Forwarding Do Not Answer ILB Inhibit Line Busy IMB Inhibit Make Busy INSPECT Inspect Key IRR Inhibit Ring Reminder KSH Key Short Hunt KSMOH Key Set Music on Hold LCDR Local Call Detail Recording LNR Last Number Redial LNRA Last Number Redial Associated with Set LOB Line of Business LOD Line Overflow to DN LOR Line Overflow to Route LPIC IntraLATA PIC LVM Leave Message M518 18-Button Add-On for Meridian M5000 Series M522 22-Button Add-On for Merdian M5000 Series M536 36-Button Add-On for Meridian M5000 Series MBK Make Busy Key MBSCAMP Meridian Business Set Station Camp-On MCH Malicious Call Hold MDN Multiple Appearance Directory Number MDNNAME MDN Member Name MEMDISP MDN Member Display MLAMP MDN Lamp MLH Multiline Hunt MPH Multiple Position Hunt MREL MDN Release MRF MDN Ring Forwarding MRFM MADN Ring Forwarding Manual MSB Make Set Busy MSBI Make Set Busy Intragroup MSMWI Multiple Station Message Waiting Indication MWIDC Message Waiting Indication MWQRY Message Waiting Query MWT Message Waiting NAME Name Display NDC No Double Connect NFA Network Facility Access NGTSRVCE Night Service NHT No Hazard Test NLT No Line Insulation Test NOH No Receiver Off-Hook Tone NPGD Negate Partial Ground Start Diagnostics NRS Network Resource Selector NSDN Night Service Directory Number OBS Observe Agent OFR Overflow Register (Hardware) OFS Overflow Register (Software) OLS Originating Line Select ONI Operator Number Identification PBL Private Business Line PF Power Features PIC Primary InterLATA Carrier PILOT Pilot DN Billing PRH Preferential Hunting PRK Call Park PRL Privacy Release QBS Query Busy Station QCK Quick Conference Key QTD Query Time and Date RAG Ring Again RCHD Residential Call Hold RCVD Received Digits Billing REASDSP Reason Display RINGTYP Ringing Type RMB Random Make Busy RMP Remote Meter Pulsing RMR Remote Message Register (Reversal) RMT Remote Message Register for Toll Calls RPA Repeated Alert RSP Restricted Sent Paid RSUS Requested Suspension SACB Subscriber Activated Call Blocking SBLF Set Based Lamp Field SCA Selective Call Acceptance SCF Selective Call Forwarding SCL Speed Calling Long SCMP Series Completion SCRJ Selective Call Rejection SCS Speed Calling Short SCU Speed Calling User SCWID Spontaneous Call Waiting Identification SDN Secondary Directory Number SDS Special Delivery Service SDY Line Study SEC Security SETMODEL Set Model SHU Stop Hunt SL Secondary Language SLC Subscriber Loop Carrier SLQ Single-line Queuing SLU Subscriber Line Usage SLVP Single-Line Variety Package SMDI Simplified Message Desk Interface SMDICND SMDI-SMDI Calling Number Delivery SMDR Station Message Detail Recording SOR Station Origination Restriction SORC Station Origination Restrictions Controller SPB Special Billing SSAC Station Specific Authorization Codes STRD Short Timed Release Disconnect SUPPRESS Suppress Line Identification Information SUPR Supervisor SUS Suspended Service SVCGRP Service Group TBO Terminating Billing Option TDN Toll Denial TDV Toll Diversion TELECNTR Meridian Telecenter TERM Terminating DN Billing TES Toll Essential TFO Terminating Fault Option TLS Terminating Line Select TRMBOPT Terminator Billing Option on Hunt Group UCD Uniform Call Distribution UCDLG Uniform Call Distribution Login UCDSD Uniform Call Distribution Signal Distributor WUCR Wake-Up Call Reminder Done.