   / \   _ __   ___  _ __  _   _ _ __ ___   ___  _   _ ___
  / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \| | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| | | / __|
 / ___ \| | | | (_) | | | | |_| | | | | | | (_) | |_| \__ \
/_/   \_\_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\__, |_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/      4 0wned

With great access level comes great responsibility
                                               and great drama.

-- Table of owned --

1. #insurgency - section semi done
2. Picatta - nothing here
3. ECB - nothing here
4. Dart27 - nothing here
5. Pedrobear - section done

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* Welcome to our first release of the Drama mag where you see exposure and leet hacks. 
* So yeah, some drama was created in #insurgency when an attempt to rebuild it was had.
* What we expected: Purge access list, add to access neutral people to keep peace, people work to get status.
* What we saw: Drama, not as much bawwwing but some of it and rebellion
* What we got: many gay channels and #insurgency without any access list
* Now read this pastebin and relax, on with the show!

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As you may have read before, the great plan on rebuilding #insurgency failed. Reason: poor execution.
Let's see together how it was started.

// Started as a simple purge of non-workers

19:52  ok
19:52  well im gonna delete the access
19:52  unless someone gives me reason not to
19:52 <@fuqinfruit> legion suggested to wait for kerx
19:52  kerx has given me authority to remove access of non-workers
19:53  here is my thought
19:53  i delete access to get rid of the whores
19:54  and then the real users to stick around

// It was my thought as well, but you get the idea. It's quite good.

// Avenger warns us and we bravely respond

19:54 <@Avenger> just be prepared for waves of BAWWWW ACCESS
19:54  i dont give a shit
19:54  lol

There was the start, gentlemen. The ones who were aware of it were fuqinfruit, ECB and Avenger.
The fail was partly in not many people knowing what was going on, for example:

19:58 <&Dart27> >:3
19:58 <&Dart27> Who's access?

Or even:

20:00 <&Picatta> Why is ECB deling all access?

The drama ensued. The access list was cleared after some struggles with IRCops:

20:39  jewlion you ruined everything
20:39  and now made me look bad

...and shittalk began:

20:10 <&Picatta> who is ECB anyway?
20:10 <&Picatta> like, what has he done
20:11 <&Dart27> Nothing
20:11 <&Dart27> Some faggot that sucked kerx's dick.
20:11  um he had a moustache

Other users were presented with boolean logic that left no other choice:

20:18 /topic: Topic of #el/i/tes: ECB sucks dick, true or true?

While everyone were hearing the manifesto of the new #insurgency, few called for rebellion.

20:11 <&Picatta> Let's just make a new channel and give everyone the same access
20:11 <&Dart27> k
20:11 <&Dart27> #insurgency2
20:11 <&Dart27> Do it

But let's not forget the brave supporters of the new #insurgency:

20:31 <@Avenger> What the fuck is wrong with you people
20:31 <@Avenger> I hope you took what I said seriously
20:32 <@Avenger> Dart27 shut up. honestly. you can't even give one damn idea a chance before condemning it. you too picatta
20:33 <@  Avenger> I don't really care what any of you have done in the past, what you own or run, but you're acting either like kids or grumpy old men now

The rebellion leader explained himself in reply:

20:33 <&Picatta> THIS IS NOT A NEW IDEA

The more wise users tried to explain the fail:

20:35 <&[nig]jewl> doing shit like this
20:35 <&[nig]jewl> without Kerx around
20:35 <&[nig]jewl> is stupid
20:38 <&[nig]jewl> well, doing shit like this without Kerx around is retarded. It will just cause chaos.

Nobody knew what to do, but suddenly, the saint Pedrobear entered the chat.

20:39 <@Pedrobear> wait what
20:39 <@Pedrobear> fuck

#insurgency users didn't know where to go while the channel held the +m flag. Minwhile, ECB explained his reasons in secret channels.

20:42  i shouldnt even bother helping anonymous
20:42  jewlion - here is the thing
20:42  kerx = owner of channel
20:42  kerx gives me ALMOST FOUNDER
20:42  in order to be his number 2 dude
20:43  before he leaves, he said to control drama

Why he got that almost founder, you ask? Surely because:

20:44  picatta you realise i have planned like 75% of the raids that have taken place right

Other users couldn't hold it and took the credit to themselves.

20:44 <&Picatta> I PLANNED 75% OF ALL THE RAIDS
20:45 <@fuqinfrui> Picatta: no u didn't
20:45 <@fuqinfrui> Picatta: it was me

"Why nobody stopped the drama?" one might ask. The answer is the +m flag on #insurgency, no channel operators and a reference in topic to wait for the decision of the uses in #fags. While that wasn't the best decision, this might have been:

20:45 <@Pedrobear> ECB: you can control drama through other ways instead of just deleting everyone's access when that is certain drama

Suddenly, everyone understood that they were mistaken. Hell, some wait time couldn't harm, said Avenger in the following quote:

20:46 <@Avenger> Would it have been SO hard to sit back and watch for 10 minutes while he at least finished what he was trying to do before you complained

Those who wanted to help, helped of course.

20:47 <@Pedrobear> ECB: I for one dont care about access
20:48 <@Pedrobear> ECB: but I do care about everyone freaking out

While everyone were talking, IRCops took the drama to their hands.

20:54  what are we doing with #insurgency
20:54  i only dropped it

It was decided for ECB to be the chosen one, who could decide on the access list.

20:56  ECB: im going to set you as founder
20:56  and
20:56  change your shit in pm

His friendly sidekick Avenger was helpful as well.

20:54 <@Avenger> re-add SOME sops
20:54 <@Avenger> let the rest sort it out
20:54 <@Avenger> but not just yet

The work on #insurgency began. The rebellion channel thought the new access list is shitty, and I quote:

21:45 <&Dart27> Shitty access list is shitty
21:45 <%fuqinfrui> yeahhh
21:45 <+Huggie> no shit

The chaotic neutral users were slightly confused.

22:26 <&Pedrobear> I'm not against anyone
22:26 <&Pedrobear> but I'm not on anyone's side as well
22:26 <&Pedrobear> fuck I dont know what to do
22:26 <&Pedrobear> :<

The confusion soon cleared up, though.

22:28 <&Pedrobear> PLEASE NOW I DONT WAN 2 B RAIDD K
22:28 <&Pedrobear> I LUV ALL #/i/ 4 LIAYFE

Alright, my dear Anonymous. In those very moments while we speak, Avenger is doing another speech while #/i/ is quoting him and changing nicks to respond. Oldfags are banned from their own channel,
20:20 <&Picatta> * Cannot join #insurgency (You are banned).
22:20 <&Picatta> lol
and newfags are not. 
To clear things up - #/i/ is old access list, #insurgency is rebuilt access list.
Choose your side in this full 2D IRC Online game - The Insurgency Drama.
More to be added soon.

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He was quoted to be a drama whore and an oline begger. 

20:48 <@Pedrobear> id be begging for oline
20:48 <@Pedrobear> everywhere

That is all.